How to Protect Your Property From Mosquitos

Facts about Mosquitos
There are about 3,000 species of mosquitos worldwide. There are about 200 species know in the United States.
Female Mosquitos can bite. They need to have a blood meal in order to lay their eggs. The female mosquito lays her eggs in standing water in clumps of 50-100 eggs. The female can lay about 300-500 eggs in her lifetime. Larval mosquitos develop in water. Males do not bite; they feed on flower nectar
The biggest threat that Mosquitos pose to humans is the spread of disease. Mosquitos are known to transmit Malaria, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever, Encephalitis and Zika Virus.
The Zika Virus is of particular concern to pregnant women. When the expectant mother is bitten, the virus is transmitted to the baby causing a birth defect called “microencephalopathy”.
Mosquitos transmit the deadly “Heartworm” parasite to dogs and cats.
The Asian Tiger Mosquito is found in NJ. It is known as one of the most aggressive day-time-biting species of mosquito. It is known to transmit all of the above diseases. It is capable of successfully laying its eggs in a bottle cap full of water!
Season Long Control
Our Mosquito control program targets mosquitos throughout their life cycle.
First, we will inspect your property for mosquito breeding grounds. If we find these, we will treat the larval mosquitos in them with larvicide to prevent them from turning into adults. Next, we will use a mist-blower to apply a barrier spray around the perimeter of your home and landscape. The treatment will be applied to places where adult mosquitos hide during the day including: Trees, shrubs, evergreens, flowers, perennials and ornamental grasses.
This treatment kills adult mosquitos on contact and continues to provide protection for up to 21 days.
For optimal protection from mosquitos, we recommend (8) treatments per year beginning in May and continuing through October. Treatments will be applied on 21-day intervals.
Special Events:
If you have a special event planned, we can help keep the mosquitos away! We can make a (1) time application 24-48 hours before your event using the same treatment methods as described above. We require one week’s notice in order to schedule your service.
How to help reduce mosquito activity in your yard:
Dispose of tin cans, plastic containers, ceramic pots or similar water-holding containers that have collected on your property.
Pay special attention to discarded tires. Stagnant water in tires are where most mosquitoes are breeding!!!
Drill holes in the bottom of recycling containers left outdoors.
Have clogged roof gutters cleaned every year, particularly if the leaves from surrounding trees have a tendency to plug up the drains. Roof gutters can produce millions of mosquitoes each season.
Turn over plastic wading pools when not in use. Stagnant water in a wading pool becomes a place for mosquitoes to breed. Turn over wheelbarrows and don’t let water stagnate in birdbaths.
Thin any dense vegetation around your home.
Keep wood piles covered.
Remove any junk piles.
Keep ponds stocked with fish and install a fountain to keep water running. Mosquitoes will not lay eggs on running water or rippled water, they will drown.
For more information on protecting your property from mosquitos, contact Integrated Plant Health Care Systems for treatment plan options today!